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Methods of Extracting Cannabidiol (CBD) from the Cannabis Plant

CBD, CBD, CBD, and more CBD. It seems that everyone is talking about cannabidiol (CBD), but where does it come from and how do we get it? Cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids are molecules that come from the cannabis plant (hemp or marijuana). Cannabinoids are used in a wide variety of products ranging from topicals to edibles to smokeables and even to products for pets. In these products, the consumer finds CBD isolate or full spectrum CBD or broad spectrum CBD. These are all extracts from the hemp plant. So how do manufacturers actually extract the CBD and other cannabinoids from the physical plant? There are several methods, some more costly than others, some more dangerous than others, and some produce a higher quality product than others.


Extraction Methods

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide extract is a method used by many reputable CBD extractors. The process is safe, creates a potent and high quality product that, unlike other extraction methods, is free of chlorophyll which can leave a bitter taste. The extraction takes place in three (3) steps in a closed-loop system, as pictured in the figure below. A closed-loop system means that there is feedback so that the end of the process leads back to the start in a cycle (or a loop).


  1. First, the CO2 in the compression chamber is cooled to -79 °F and pressurized to create supercritical CO2. Supercritical refers to a state of being both a liquid and solid.
  2. The supercritical CO2 is pumped into the extraction vessel containing the plant material. This process separates the cannabinoids, terpenes, and trichomes from the plant material.
  3. The final step occurs in the separator. Here, the CO2 evaporates from the extraction and cycles back to the compression chamber. What is left is the plant extraction.


The downside of this extraction method is how costly it is and how complicated the process can be to properly run.

CBD Extraction
Figure from:


Dry Ice

Extraction using dry or regular ice is similar in process to creating “hash” or “bubble hash”. The result is a powdery resin containing cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. This method is inexpensive, has a high yield, and delivers a clean, solventless product. On the flip side, it can be impractical in terms of the extensive labor and time required that could result in a sub-par extract. The process occurs in three (3) steps as pictured in the figure below:


  1. To begin, ice and plant material are mixed to aid in separating the trichomes and cannabinoids from the actual plant.
  2. Water is then added and the mixture is strained through progressively smaller micron mesh bags. This process is repeated until the best quality product is remaining.
  3. Finally, water is drained from the extract and then left to dry out. The result is a clean resin.

CBD Extraction
Figure from:


Using steam is a tried and true method of CBD extraction. Unfortunately, it is quite inefficient, relatively more difficult, and risky in terms of damaging the plant material. Steam is passed through the plant material to separate the oil vapors containing cannabinoids from the plant. Condenser tubes create a mixture of oil and water. This mixture is distilled (made more pure) leaving only the cannabis extract. The figure below pictures the process.


steam distillation for cbd
Figure from:



Maybe the most common method of extraction is using solvents such as butane, propane, ethanol, or isopropyl. This method is inexpensive, fast, and easy. But it is also the most dangerous method because the solvents used are highly flammable. This method also has a risk of the end products containing some undesirable residual solvent. The solvent is passed through the plant material, allowing it to pick up and extract cannabinoids from the plant. The solvent is then evaporated leaving only the cannabis extract. In addition to extracting cannabinoids, chlorophyll is also extracted and this could give the end product a bitter taste. The figure below shows the extraction method.


CBD Extraction
Figure from:


Olive Oil

Using olive oil to extract cannabinoids from the cannabis plant is more an at-home method for cannabis enthusiasts than a method used by legal manufacturers. The end results is a combination of olive oil and cannabinoids, meaning it is much less concentrated than other extractions and therefore requires more to be ingested to experience benefits. On the plus side, it is a safe, inexpensive, and simple process that takes just two (2) steps as pictured in the figure below.


  1. First, the plant material must be decarboxylated to activate the cannabinoids. To do this, the plant should be heated to about 250 °F and left to sit for between 30 and 60 minutes. 
  2. Next, the plant material is mixed with olive oil and reheated for about two (2) hours, allowing the fats in olive oil to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material.


CBD Extraction
Figure from:


Which is Best?

Each extraction method has pros and cons as pictured in the infographic below. It is thought by many that using CO2 is the best method because it consistently produces a high quality product that is safe from any neurotoxin contamination (meaning it is a clean extract). Although it is the most expensive method, it is a small price to pay to bring quality and clean products to the consumer. If you ever have questions, reach out to the company and they should be able to provide you with a direct and honest answer.


CBD extracting methods


What Does CBD Feel Like?

By now, most of us have at least heard about CBD. But incase you have not, CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol, a molecule derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike its cannabinoid cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce the feeling of being “high”. People take CBD for a wide variety of afflictions as well as for targeted or general wellness. Many people find CBD can help with:

  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammation
  • Sleep
  • Digestion
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

The potential benefits are seemingly endless and the list keeps growing as more research is conducted and studies are published. Ok, so now you have got yourself some CBD and tried some. Now you just wait for all these amazing benefits to kick in and make you feel like your on top of the world! But wait, you do not seem to feel anything. You wait and wait and nope, still nothing. So what gives?? Well there are several reasons you may not be “feeling it” as others claim to.


What Does CBD Feel Like?


What does taking CBD “feel” like?


CBD does not exactly produce any specific feeling. This is a difficult concept for some to wrap their heads around because THC definitely feels like something when you use it. Although, CBD can potentially feel like the absence of certain things. The absence of stress and anxiety, the absence of pain, the absence of inflammation, the absence of restlessness, and so on. Without pain and without stress, your body and mind are now free and open to operate at the highest level. So when someone asks us what CBD “feels like”, we tell them it feels like nothing and that’s exactly how you want it.


So why did I not experience any benefits?


  • Dosing

Everyone is built differently, so it makes sense that everyone’s ideal dose of CBD is different as well. Many factors impact how much CBD an individual should take for a proper dose. Age matters, gender matters, weight and amount of body fat really matter. An individual’s level of pain, anxiety, etc., also plays a role. Someone with severe pain may need a higher dose than someone just looking for general wellness. Additionally, there are several different types of CBD and a variety of CBD application methods. We will look into those a bit more in a bit.

  • Try a different form of CBD

CBD comes from the cannabis plant. This can either be hemp or marijuana. Legally, all CBD products need to have their CBD derived from the hemp plant. This extraction can result in a few varieties of extract. Isolate is pure CBD with nothing else. Full and broad spectrum extracts contain many of the other cannabinoids found in cannabis. Full and broad spectrum extracts utilise something called the Entourage Effect in which the cannabinoids interact with one another to boost each others benefits. So if isolate does not do it for you, full or broad spectrum extracts may give you what you are looking for.

CBD Hemp Extraction Types

  • Application method

How CBD enters the bloodstream has a lot to do with how much CBD your body is actually receiving and utilising. When applied topically, the skin’s low permeability allows very little and sometimes no CBD to enter the bloodstream. The CBD in topical products mostly interacts with cannabinoid receptors located in the skin around the area of application to provide on-the-spot relief. Edibles such as CBD Gummies are ingested. The CBD goes through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. This is an easy and delicious way to take CBD, but it is also the second lowest in terms of bioavailability. CBD oil (tincture) is placed under the tongue and allowed to sit for about a minute. This allows almost all of the CBD to absorb through the mucus membrane. Inhalation by smoking or vaping has the highest bioavailability.

CBD Bio Availability

  • Be patient

CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system. What your endocannabinoid system is lacking more than likely took time to get that way. In the same way, it may take some time for CBD to build up in your system and to deliver the maximum benefits to your wellness. Some may experience the desired benefits right away, but others may need some time. Remember, patience is a virtue, take your time when experimenting with CBD.

  • Did you check the quality of your CBD product?

CBD products are not regulated by the FDA, so it is up to the consumer to be knowledgeable about the products they are purchasing. When searching for CBD for sale online, make sure to check that company has lab tested results from third party sources. As the consumer, it should be easy for you to find out exactly how much CBD is in the product.

  • How’s your lifestyle?

Just taking a few doses of CBD cannot counteract over-the-top intake of alcohol and junk food and it is not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise. Using CBD in combination with a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maximize the benefits you may get when taking CBD products.

Finding your perfect dose


When searching for you ideal dose, it may be helpful to keep a journal of sorts. Write down how you feel in terms of stress/anxiety, pain, focus, sleep, hunger, etc. Using a scale of 1-10 may also be helpful. Over time, you will be able to develop a better understanding of how a particular dose of CBD effects you.


Low and slow is the name of the game. Your initial dose should be on the lower end, maybe around 10mg. Build up the dose as needed over days not hours. A dose of CBD should last about 4-8 hours, so take your time and be patient. There is no lethal dose of CBD so feel free to take more and more until you feel like you are getting the effects you desire. Consult your physician before taking any new supplements.


What are the Effects of Terpenes?

What Are Terpenes?


Terpenes have been playing a huge role in the cannabis community because of their pharmacological importance.  Terpenes or terpenoids are a popular holistic remedy that have shown through research in aromatherapy that cannabis’ terpenes or flavors have an effect on how the body feels after consumption. There are at least 20,00 different terpenes on the planet, however, over 200 terpenes have been found in cannabis.  A certain amount and mixture of these terpenes are what make up our cannabis “strains” you may have seen or heard about that give the strain a distinctive flavor and effect. The cannabis plant produces aromatic oils to give a fruity, minty, earthy, or citrusy aroma depending on the type of strain.


Examples of Terpenes


Myrcene – This is one of the most common terpenes found in the cannabis plant.  Some plants may have over 60% of their terpene profile being myrcene. You may have heard of certain types of plants being “indica” strains as well.  If a plant has more than 0.5% myrcene, it is classified as an indica strain. Myrcene is known to be relaxing with anti-inflammatory effects. 


Limonene – This is the 2nd most common terpene in the cannabis plant known for its citrusy smell.  Limonene is a common additive in cosmetics and household cleaning products because of its strong antibacterial and antifungal properties.  This terpene is also known to have effects on the body such as enhancing mood and relieve stress.


Pinene – You can probably guess that pinene has a pine tree pungent scent to it.  Pinene has 2 varieties: alpha and beta. Alpha pinene gives off the intense pine aroma.  Beta pinene has a rosemary or parsley scent. This terpene has strong anti-inflammatory effects and has been used in herbal medicine for a very long time.


Linalool – Most people will be familiar with linalool because it has the same relaxing effects as lavender.  Linalool is also great for relieving anxiety as well as having antidepressant effects on the body.  


Caryophyllene – This terpene is known to have a wood and peppery smell to it.  Caryophyllene is found in black pepper and cinnamon. Caryophyllene has shown to be great for relieving depression, inflammation, and anxiety.  


Humulene -This terpene is known to have an effect on the body that helps decrease appetite.  Humulene is found in hops, cloves, and basil. This terpene has shown to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects on the body.


In September 2011, Dr. Ethan Russo in the British Journal of Pharmacology conducted research showing that the terpenes in your favorite cannabis strains are very healthy for people.  They are also shown to increase blood flow, enhance cortical activity, and kill respiratory pathogens. It’s important to know that all terpenes don’t have the same effects either.  The effects of certain terpenes include relaxation, lifting in mood, and energy levels. The mix of both cannabinoids and terpenes significantly decrease the feeling of anxiety so patients have been using the medical benefits of having terpenes in their CBD.  Terpenes act as a natural guide to see which strains our endocannabinoid system will like the most and gain medical benefits.  Many studies have shown that you feel more or less of the effects of a certain strain depending on the types and amount of terpenes found it in.  So consuming CBD with a certain strain will most certainly give you the benefits of that specific strain and make you feel a certain way.  

Effects of Terpenes

When choosing a strain, take note of the terpene content and how the strain is intended to make you feel. You will get the most out of your CBD when you stick with a strain you know and love.


CBD Dosing Chart

Proper CBD Dosing 


In the world of health and wellness, cannabidiol (CBD) has made quite the entrance. It seems every shop has CBD for sale. Whether you are searching for a sleep-aid, pain management, anxiety relief, stress reduction, skin care, or more, CBD may be able to help. Many users report taking a dose of CBD tincture right before bed and getting some of the best sleep of their lives. Some also take it when they wake up to get focused and ready for the day.  After all your research and comparison shopping between brands and products, once you’ve finally found the right CBD product for you, how do you know the proper CBD dosing? 


Everyone is Different


Everyone has their own ideal dose of cannabidiol (CBD). Factors such as age, weight, gender, metabolism, application method, and desired effects all play a role in how a particular dose of CBD will affect you. Although there is no set dosing chart, it is recommended that novice CBD users start with a small dose, usually less than 10mg. The effects of CBD can be felt for up to about six (6) hours. Waiting at least three (3) hours before taking another dose will allow your body to feel the full effects of the CBD. It may be helpful to take note of your levels of stress, anxiety, pain, inflammation, sleep, hunger, and other physiological functions on a scale of 1 to 10. This will help develop a better understanding of how a particular CBD dose affects you.


Another factor to consider in the type of CBD extract in the product being used. Full spectrum CBD contains trace amounts of THC and other compounds so the body may benefit from something called the “entourage effect”. This describes the symbiotic relation THC and CBD have with one another. The benefits of each can be amplified when used together. CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD, up to 100%. Nano CBD isolate is also a pure form, but the molecules have been broken down into nano-sized pieces. This could allow for more of the CBD to be absorbed by the body. Broad spectrum CBD contains other compounds found in cannabis, but no THC. When comparing CBD products, it is best to consider the type of CBD extract that is used in each. A dose of CBD isolate may affect you differently than the same dose of full spectrum CBD.


Safety and Terminology

There is no such thing as taking too much CBD in terms of an overdose. The World Health Organization describes CBD as “well tolerated with a good safety profile”. A dose of CBD is measured in milligrams (mg). Most users take between 10 and 30 milligrams per dose. Many take between two and three doses each day. The CBD dosing chart below give guidelines to an effective CBD dose for those with anxiety and/or pain. Remember, everyone is different and some experimentation is needed to find your perfect dose to achieve maximum benefits.


CBD Dosing Guide

This conversion CBD dosing chart gives a break down of CBD doses for Thrive Flower products.

CBD Dosing Chart



The Endocannabinoid System Explained


The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a bodily system which regulates everything from body temperature to hormone levels and from pleasure to pain. The prefix, endo, comes from the word endogenous which means “naturally-occurring within the body”. A cannabinoid is a molecular compound containing the active molecules of cannabis. So, the ECS is a system of naturally occurring cannabinoids originating from within.


Three parts of the ECS

The ECS is made up of three (3) major parts: endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and metabolic enzymes. Two main endocannabinoids that form in the body are anandamide and 2-AG. These compounds work as neurotransmitters (chemical messengers to deliver information from cell to cell). Endocannabinoids sit upon and activate cannabinoid receptors. There are many types of these receptors throughout the body. The two most abundant ones are the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors can be found throughout the central nervous system (in the brain and spine) and CB2 receptors in the peripheral nervous system (outside of the brain and spine). CB1 and CB2 are activated by endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG, to create the ECS bodily response. Phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from the cannabis plant), such as THC and CBD, also activate with CB1 and CB2. Once activated, the receptors begin work to keep the body within a narrow operational range called homeostasis. This could mean cooling you down when you are hot, causing your stomach to rumble so you eat, controlling anxiety, or regulating pain/inflammation. When the task is complete, the final part of the ECS, the metabolic enzymes, breakdown the cannabinoids and deactivate the receptors. The enzyme, FAAH, breaks down anandamide and MAGL breaks down 2-AG.



The ECS has a singular goal accomplished by many tasks. The goal is homeostasis. Homeostasis in the body is when there is a stable balance between all the interconnected systems that make your body work. This equilibrium is achieved by the interactions of cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors as well as metabolic enzymes. THC activates CB1 receptors. This is what produces the feeling of being “high”. Anandamide, another endocannabinoid, also activates CB1 receptors, but, unlike THC, does not make you “high”. This is because the enzyme that breaks down anandamide, FAAH, does not work as well or as quickly on THC. So while anandamide stops working, THC will stick around for quite some time. While CBD does not activate CB1 receptors, it does inhibit the enzyme FAAH which breaks down anandamide (AEA). With this enzyme inhibited, anandamide levels can increase and remain active on the receptor for longer. This could be a reason CBD has been found useful for anxiety relief and pain management.


CBD continued

CBD can also enhance activation other receptors throughout the body. Some receptors include the opioid receptor which regulates pain, the dopamine receptor which has effects on motivation and reward-seeking behavior, and the serotonin receptor (1A) which could be helpful against substance dependence. A combination of these activate receptors has been found to reduce drug cravings in addicts. Other drugs on the market which are supposed to treat anxiety, depression, and/or addictive tendencies, block the reabsorption of serotonin into the brain so that the serotonin levels increase. This allows the brain cells to transmit a larger quantity of stronger signals. CBD has been found to potentially be a boost for the serotonin signaling through the 1A receptor, doing the job of pharmaceuticals in a natural way.


Summing it up

Cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and metabolic enzymes make up the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Phytocannabinoids such as THC and CBD come from the cannabis plant (mariuana or hemp) and endocannabinoids such as 2-AG and AEA (anandamide) originate within the body. Cannabinoids activate cannabinoid receptors which perform a large variety of tasks in order to accomplish one goal, homeostasis. Once the body is operating healthily and in tune, metabolic enzymes such as FAAH and MAGL breakdown cannabinoids and deactivate cannabinoid receptors. 


The Endocannabinoid System


Can You Build A Tolerance To CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) can be used as an everyday health and wellness product. Adding CBD tincture to your morning coffee or applying a pain salve to ease your muscles could be the extra step needed to comfortably get through the day. With daily use, building a tolerance becomes a concern for users. Building a tolerance to something means the user needs to take more of the substance to get the same effects as the previous usage. Regular cannabis users can relate to the tolerance built to the plant’s predominant compound, THC. Cannabidiol, the next most predominant compound in cannabis, and the most predominant in hemp, should have the same tolerance-forming qualities, right? Surprisingly, no, CBD has very different tolerance-forming qualities than THC.


Can You Build A Tolerance to CBD?


So, does CBD have tolerance-forming qualities? No, in fact, it has been shown to be reverse tolerance-forming! With regular CBD use, less of the product may be needed to achieve the same results. Tolerance is a result of three possible biological mechanisms:

  1. Metabolic – The amount of the drug or substance absorbed and distributed within the body becomes less over time, requiring the user to take more of the drug or substance to achieve the same effects.
  2. Cellular – The cell receptors related to the drug or substance being used become desensitized over time or the density of the receptor reduces. Both scenarios result in a weakened response to taking the drug or substance.
  3. Behavioral – The user can get used to the feeling of taking the drug or substance, making it a less profound experience. This is mostly seen with certain psychoactive drugs.

The receptor in your body which interacts with CBD is called the CB1 receptor. Continued CBD treatment does not lead to CB1 receptor desensitization. Which means that the part of your body that interacts with CBD will always receive the full amount of cannabidiol regardless of how much you use. Both cellular and metabolic tolerance mechanisms are inactive with cannabidiol.


CBD Tolerance Testimonials

Behavioral tolerance is examined through user testimonies. Some quotes include:


“I have been using the same amount of the tincture for 3 months, always the same results.” – Beth M.


“I started with just one dropper [of tincture] each night before bed then I upped it to two because I wanted to feel it even more.” – Mallory W.


“The hand lotion is a daily use product for me. The pain salve I only really use after a workout or weekend activities. The amount I use remains pretty constant I would say. Sometimes some extra salve depending how rigorous the workout was.” – Bobby B.


Our users seem to agree that they can use their Thrive Flower CBD products in an ‘as-needed’ schedule without the need to up the dosage regardless of how regular the product is used. Financial savings benefits as well as medical benefits are good reasons to try some CBD products.


CBD Informational Booklet

Thrive Flower CBD Booklet

Natures Wellness Solution CBD



How Does CBD Help With Inflammation?

Are You An Active Person?

Athletes, gym-rats, city commuters, hikers, swimmers, and even dogs should be interested in how CBD can help them on a daily basis. Anyone who leads an active lifestyle can benefit from the potent anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is a cannabinoid which is a chemical messenger on the cells in our bodies. These messengers (neurotransmitters), send signals from cell to cell when a response is needed. The system that regulates our bodie’s many interconnected functions and responses is called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS has three (3) major components that work together to keep your body in a stable, balanced state. We have already talked about the first part, cannabinoids. The second part is the cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are activated by cannabinoids and begin a bodily response. Part three, metabolic enzymes, breaks down the cannabinoids.The response would continue forever if the cannabinoid is not broken down and the cannabinoid receptor deactivated.


How Does CBD Help With Inflammation?

It has been found that CBD can be a potent aid in the ECS’s response to inflammation. A paper from the National Center for Biotechnology Information states that “Manipulation of endocannabinoids [AEA and 2-AG] and/or use of exogenous cannabinoids [THC and CBD] . . . can constitute a potent treatment modality against inflammatory diseases”. T-regulatory cells (Tregs) work to suppress inflammation. Cannabinoids such as CBD have been found to upregulate Tregs. CBD also down regulates the production of cytokines. Cytokine is a signaling protein that can come in many varieties. When secreted by immune cells, cytokine promotes inflammation.


Conditions and diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and cancer can also be positively affected by manipulation of the ECS. One percent (1%) of people worldwide are afflicted with RA. Joint stiffness, tenderness, pain, and swelling can all be helped by adding CBD to your wellness routine. A recent study “ . . . showed that daily . . . administration of CBD inhibited disease progression” in inflammatory diseases. Tumor reduction is essential to treating all types of cancer. Increased levels of endocannabinoids AEA and 2-AG reduce tumor growth. CBD inhibits the metabolic enzyme (FAAH, fatty acid amide hydrolase) that breaks down AEA and 2-AG, allowing the endocannabinoids to keep the endocannabinoids receptors active for longer.


Inflammation occurs as a bodily response to injury or infection. Cytokines promote inflammation after being secreted by immune cells and Tregs reduce inflammation. When CBD is added to the system, Treg levels increase and cytokine levels decrease. CBD can also be an effective treatment for cancer patients. Upregulation of AEA and 2-AG reduces tumor growth. This combination of responses to CBD by the endocannabinoid system can be an extremely potent aid against inflammation and inflammatory diseases.


CBD Helps Inflammation


Will I Fail A Drug Test Using CBD?

Thrive Flower products have various beneficial effects. Stress-reduction from the CBD Drops, some of the best cbd oil on market, helps many users through the day. The CBD Pain Salve and the CBD Muscle Gel provide topical relief, with a cooling effect, to a wide variety of users from athletes to construction workers to insurance salesmen who sit too much at work and enjoy using CBD for back pain. The CBD Lotion hydrates and can relieve tension when applied. Some of us even enjoy rolling a joint of some premium Flower by Thrive Flower or puffing on the Thrive Flower Vape to enter into a more calm state. With all these employed people (the workforce is embracing CBD) using Thrive Flower CBD, should any be worried about a potential drug test at work?


The short answer is — no.


Why You Won’t Fail A Drug Test on CBD

There are several types of drug tests most employers utilize. The hair test is effective at detecting chronic users. The urine and saliva tests have lower detection thresholds. None of which test for CBD. In fact, none test for THC either! They test for the metabolite of THC, THC-OOH. A metabolite is what is left over after a substance is broken down (metabolized) in the body. The metabolite for CBD, 7-COOH-CBD, is not tested for, by any drug test. In fact it’s legal in all 50 states….


If drug test results are positive for THC, it is because the THC metabolite was detected above the detection threshold. Legally, all CBD products contain less than 0.3% delta-9 THC. CBD isolate, the purified form of CBD, contains no THC whatsoever. Thrive Flower CBD products have a QR code that users can scan and review the test results. In addition, users can also view the precise quantity of CBD in each product. When buying products not from Thrive Flower, make sure you can view their testing as well. 


Even with trace amounts of THC in a CBD product, someone would need to use a whole lot of that product to even come close to having enough THC in their system to fail a drug test. Even if you were consuming 1-2 bottles of the best cbd oil ever (…a.k.a.  CBD Drops) everyday, it is unlikely you would fail a test. It might result in a false-positive because other non-THC metabolites are present as well (Leafly). Quest Diagnostics, one of the largest companies to provide lab drug testing, says “CBD itself would not report positive for marijuana or marijuana metabolite” (Quest Diagnostics).


There is not much of a reason to freight about drug tests when taking properly researched CBD products from a reputable company. Thrive Flower provides users peace of mind with the QR code found on every product. Scan it and view the lab results yourself and then maybe enjoy some CBD Gummies which can help with anxiety. The testing shows each of our products is below the legal limit of 0.3% delta-9 THC and will not come close to showing on a drug test at those levels. Whatever your choice of Thrive Flower CBD products, rest easy knowing our CBD can help you feel better than you thought you could.